Coupons & Offers

KlayJewelryy Coupon Policy:

⋒ Coupons are a great way to save moneys, coupons will be available at certain events with the total purchase of $45 or more, taxes excluded. This coupon can be used on online purchases only, NOT valid for in-person use. Please read the following guidelines that apply to everyone using coupons.

KlayJewelryy Scratch Off Policy:

⋒ Scratch off codes are issued with every in person purchase, this can be used on any online or a DM Instagram purchase. Please read the following guidelines that apply to everyone using coupons.



⋒ Coupon is valid for one-time use only & Limit one coupon per customer. Coupon available for use by next day.

⋒ Coupon discount excludes gift cards and e-gift card purchases.

The minimum spend amount excludes shipping fees and taxes. 

⋒ Cannot be combined with any other coupons, discounts, offers, or promotions.

⋒ All coupons expire 3 months after received in person.

⋒ Coupons cannot be applied to previous purchases.

⋒ Coupons are not redeemable for cash.